Chapter wise question (class10)

Chapter 1 [Networking and Telecommunication]

1.       What is communication?

2.       What is telecommunication? Give any two examples.

3.       What is data communication? Give any two examples.

4.       What are the components of data communication?

5.       List the modes of transmission?

6.       What is simplex mode? Give any two examples.

7.       What is half-duplex mode? Give any two examples.

8.       What is full-duplex mode? Give any two examples.

9.       What is bandwidth? How can we measure bandwidth?

10.   What is communication / transmission medium? Give any two examples.

11.   List the types of communication medium with examples of each.

12.   Differentiate between guided and unguided medium?

13.   Differentiate between shielded and unshielded twisted pair cable.

14.   What is co-axial cable? Explain it.

15.   What is fiber optic cable? Explain it.

16.   Differentiate between radio wave and microwave communication medium.

17.   What is computer network?

18.   List any four advantages of computer network.

19.   List any four disadvantages of computer network.

20.   Computer network reduces the cost of operation. Explain.

21.   Who is network administrator? Write his/her responsibilities.

22.   List the types of computer network on the basis of size.

23.   Differentiate between LAN and WAN.

24.   Differentiate between LAN and MAN.

25.   Differentiate between MAN and WAN.

26.   List any four features of LAN.

27.   List any four features of MAN.

28.   List any four features of WAN.

29.   What is network topology? Write its types.

30.   What is bus topology? Draw a neat and well labeled diagram of bus topology.


31.   What is star topology? Draw a neat and well labeled diagram of star topology.

32.   What is ring topology? Draw a neat and well labeled diagram of ring topology.

33.   List any two-two advantages and disadvantages of bus topology.

34.   List any two-two advantages and disadvantages of ring topology.

35.   List any two-two advantages and disadvantages of star topology.

36.   List the types of computer architecture / models.

37.   Differentiate between client/server and peer to peer network.

38.   List any two-two advantages and disadvantages of client/server network.

39.   List any two-two advantages and disadvantages of peer to peer network.

40.   What is centralized network?

41.   List the hardware components of computer network.

42.   List the software components of computer network.

43.   What is server?

44.   What is workstation?

45.   What is cable?

46.   What is NIC? Write its role in computer network.

47.   What is connector? Give some examples of it.

48.   What is hub?

49.   What is repeater?

50.   What is bridge?

51.   What is switch?

52.   What is router?

53.   What is gateway?

54.   What is MODEM? Write its importance.

55.   What is network operating system? Give any two examples of it.

56.   What is device driver?

57.   What is protocol? Give any four examples of it.

58.   What us medium?

59.   What is node?

60.   What do you mean by unidirectional?

61.   Define analog signal.

62.   Define digital signal.

63.   What do you mean by TCP/IP?

64.   What is the role of ARP?

65.   Write down the function of digital modem?

66.   Write down the function of antenna?

67.   What is terminal?

68.   What is host computer?

69.   What is file server?

70.   What is print server?

71.   List any four common uses of computer network.

72.   What is a MODEM? How does it help in data communication over the telephone line?

73.   Why do we use network? Write two points.

74.   Define network technology. Draw token ring topology.

75.   What are components we need to connect a computer in the network? Write in brief.

76.   ‘Computer network reduces the cost of expenditure’. Give any two strong points to support this statement.

77.   What is bounded media? Give any two examples.

78.   What is unbounded media? Give any two examples.

79.   What is LAN? What are its main objectives?

80.   What is a client – server model of Networking?

81.   What is peer to peer networking?

82.   What are the advantages and disadvantages of fiber optic cable?

83.   What are the advantages and disadvantages  of co-axial cable?

84.   What are the advantages and disadvantages  of  shielded twisted pair cable?

85.   What are the advantages and disadvantages  of unshielded twisted pair cable?

86.   Why most of the people prefer to star topology? Write down any demerits if Bus topology.

87.   Difference between network and router.

88.   What are data coding and decoding?

89.   Write any four networking devices.

90.   Draw a neat labeled diagram of data communication network.

91.   What is client server network? Illustrate your answer with the help of a diagram.

92.   “Computer Network makes the world smaller”. Explain with your view.

93.   What is LAN? What are its main objectives?

94.   Name the first computer network.

95.   What is intranet?

96.   What is extranet?

97.   Define modulation and demodulation.

98.   What are the main functions of router in network?

99.   Write the uses of satellite communication.

100. What is Bluetooth?


Chapter 2 (Internet)

1.    What is internet?
2.    Explain brief history of internet?
3.    Who controls the internet?
4.    What are the components required for internet connection?
5.    What is ISDN?
6.    What is satellite connection?
7.    What is cable connection?
8.    What is dial up connection?
9.    List any four services of internet.
10.What is WWW? Explain.
11.Why is internet called network of networks?
12.Define HTML.
13.Define HTTP.
14.What is email?
15.How has email simplified the mode of communication?
16.What is ISP?
17.Give any four name of ISPs of Nepal.
18.What are newsgroups?
19.What is telnet?
20.What is FTP?
21.What is upload?
22.What is download?
23.What is IRC?
24.What is internet telephony?
25.Differentiate between chat and video conferencing.
26.What is e-commerce?
27.Name any four e-commerce web sites.
28.What is video conference?
29.Write any two basic requirements of video conference.
30.Differentiate between web page and web site
31.Differentiate between email and e-fax.
32.What is URL?
33.Explain the parts of URL.
34.List some internet security measures.
35.What is web browser?
36.Name any four examples of web browser
37.What is search engine?
38.Give any four examples of search engine.
39.What is browsing?
40.Name some of the most popular internet connections.
41.Why FTP is necessary in the internet?
42.What is the role of internet in business and education?
43.Write the conversions indicate of us
44.Why do we need internet?
45.Write importance of Internet?
46.Write importance of Internet in education.
47.Write any two advantages of Email comparing to postal Mail system.
48.What is the use of web browser?
49.What is the use of FTP?
50.What is the difference between internet and email?
51.What is the purpose of search engine?
52.How is internet different than intranet?
53.   Compare e-mail with traditional postal mail.
54.Write any four advantages of internet.
55.Write any four disadvantages of Internet.
56.List two protocols for handling email.
57.Write down any four uses of internet.
58.How can you get connected to Local Server of ISPs for Internet access? List any two means.
59.Give an example of valid E-mail I.D.
60.What are the advantages of WWW?
61.What is web surfing?
62.Name some free email service providers.
63.Name the most popular software used for video conferencing.
64.How is TELNET service of internet useful?
65.What is online education?
66.List any four important rules that should be followed while communicating on the internet.
67.What is ADSL?
68.What is CDMA?
69.What is broadband?
70.What is web server?
71.What is home page?
72.What is web portal?
73.What is hyperlink?
74.What is blog?
75.What is e-learning?
76.What is social networking?
77.Why internet is called mother of all networks?
78.What is internet address?
79.What is DNS?
80.What is TCP/IP?
81.What is the role of ISP?
82.What is web address?
83.List any two advantages of video conferencing.
84.What is host name?
85.How does internet work?
86.Write down the technical evolution of internet.
87.What is internet server and internet client?
88.What is e-banking?
89.What are the benefits of social networking?
90.Who is blogger?
91.Differentiate between web server and web browser.
92.Write the names of any two popular websites used for locating required information from various web sites.
93.Name any two protocol used by web?
94.What is the significance of HTTP?
95.What is spider software? What does it do?
96.What is broadband internet?
97.What is e-fax?
98.What is extranet?
99.Differentiate between intranet and extranet.
100.                        Define wi-fi and wi-max.

Chapter 3 [Computer Security]

1.    What is computer security?
2.    List the types of computer security?
3.    List four hardware security measures.
4.    List four software security measures.
5.    What is hardware security?
6.    What is software security?
7.    What is insurance policy?
8.    What is power regulator device?
9.    List any four power regulator device.
10.What is voltage regulator?
11.List any two voltage regulator device.
12.What is UPS?
13.Write down the importance of UPS.
14.Define fragmentation
15.Define defragmentation.
16.What is scan disk?
17.What is backup?
18.Why backup is vital in computer security system?
19.What is password?
20.What is password policy?
21.How can software help to prevent data loss?
22.What should be done to protect the system from unauthorized access?
23.Differentiate between fragmentation and defragmentation.
24.Why is password used in computer?
25.Mention its importance of scan disk.
26.List any four precautions to safeguard your computer system.
27.Why do we need more power protecting device in the context of Nepal?
28.Which device do you recommend to protect PC from voltage fluctuation and why?
29.Write any four possible threats to computer security.
30.What is firewall?
31.What is intruder?
32.What is phishing?
33.What is vulnerability?
34.What is adware?
35.What is cracker?
36.What is Denial of Service Attack?
37.What is hacker?
38.What is surge suppressor?
39.What is spike?
40.What are key loggers?
41.What is the objective of computer security?
42.Why is dust free environment required in a computer system?
43.What is power conditioner?
44.Name any three power conditioner devices.
45.What are the things to be considered while keeping password?
46.What should be done to protect computer system from fire and theft?
47.Why does a computer need air conditioned room?
48.What is an information security breach?
49.What are the three important aspects of any computer related system?
50.What is threat? What are the different types of threat?
51.What is voltage stablilizer?
52.What is data security?
53.What are the qualities of a good backup?
54.List some situations in which data loss can occur.
55.What is brownouts?
56.Why password is used in a computer?
57.How is insurance policy important for hardware security?
58.Why should we protect hardware components from extreme temperatures?
59.Differentiate between hardware security and software security
60.What is the use of fire detector?

Chapter 4 [Computer Virus]

1.   What is computer virus?
2.   List the types of computer virus?
3.   What is boot sector virus?
4.   What is file infector virus?
5.   What is multipartite virus?
6.   What is stealth virus?
7.   What is macro virus?
8.   List any four symptoms of computer virus.
9.   Give any four important points to keep our computer safe form virus.
10.  List four ways how virus spread into the computer.
11.  What is antivirus software?
12.  How can a boot sector virus harm the computer?
13.  Give any four examples of computer virus.
14.  Give any four examples of antivirus software.
15.  Who developed C-Brain Virus? What was the purpose of developing it?
16.  Enlist any four routes of virus filtration.
17.  Write about computer virus as you know.
18.  How can we solve the problem of virus?
19.  Write down the features of computer virus.
20.  How do you identify your computer infected from virus?
21.  List any four reasons for creating computer viruses.
22.  List any four common destructive activities of computer viruses.
23.  List any four characteristics of computer virus?
24.  Give any two examples of boot sector virus.
25.  Give any two examples of file infecting virus.
26.  Give any two examples of multipartite virus.
27.  Give any two examples of stealth virus.
28.  Give any two examples of macro virus.
29.  What is computer worm?
30.  What is Trojan horse?
31.  What is script virus?
32.  Give any two examples of script virus.
33.  What is malware?
34.  What is quarantine?
35.  What is spyware?
36.  What is spam?
37.  What is scam?
38.  What is message carrying virus?
39.  Give any two examples of message carrying virus.
40.  Differentiate between computer virus and computer worm.

Chapter 5 [Multimedia]

1.   What is multimedia?
2.   Name the five types of media used in multimedia technology.
3.   What is animation?
4.   Define graphics.
5.   What is video?
6.   Write down the application areas of multimedia.
7.   List any four advantages of multimedia.
8.   List any four disadvantages of multimedia.
9.   What is virtual reality?
10.  ‘Multimedia is a system’. Explain this statement with an example.
11.  Why is multimedia technology becoming more popular?
12.  Why is CD-ROM popular in multimedia technology?
13.  Write the uses of multimedia technology in advertisement.
14.  How is multimedia useful in the areas of movies?
15.  How does multimedia application help to learn a foreign language?
16.  Using the multimedia technology classroom presentation becomes more interactive. Explain.
17.  ‘Video game is incomplete in the absence of multimedia technology’. Explain with reason.
18.  What is edutainment?
19.  What is multimedia computer system? What are the components of multimedia setup?
20.  Explain the role of multimedia in business.
21.  What is the role of multimedia in medicine?
22.  What is multimedia presentation software?
23.  How is multimedia useful in industrial sector?
24.  What is the role of multimedia in entertainment?
25.  What is compression and decompression?
26.  Name any four common multimedia software packages.
27.  What is the role of multimedia on web?
28.  How is multimedia useful in advertisement?
29.  What is multimedia computer?
30.  List some hardware components required for multimedia computer.
31.  Where is virtual reality used?
32.  What type of software are used in editing video and sound?
33.  What is the difference between multimedia system and multimedia technology?
34.  What is the importance of video conferencing?
35.  Explain video conferencing with examples.
36.  Write the importance of multimedia in today’s world.
37.  What are the five basic elements of multimedia?
38.  Write any four uses of multimedia.
39.  Define multimedia system.
40.  Classify the following into Multimedia hardware and software:
Adobe Photoshop, Animator pro, Mpeg Card and Microphone

Chapter 6 [Cyber Law]

1.    What is cyber law?
2.    What is cyber space?
3.    What are the major components included in cyber law?
4.    What is digital signature?
5.    What is cyber crime?
6.    What is intellectual property?
7.    When did cyber law introduced in Nepal?
8.    What are the major provisions included in cyber law of Nepal?
9.    What is computer ethics?
10.What are the major provisions included in computer ethics?
11.How digital signature works?
12.Define encryption and decryption.
13.What is hash algorithm?
14.What is facsimile?
15.Write the importance of cyber law.
16.Write the importance of digital signature.
17.List out the intellectual property rights included in intellectual property law.
18.What is telecommunication?
19.What is the purpose of the enacted the cyber law in Nepal?
20.Write any two cyber-crimes.
21.What is the main aim of formulating cyber law in Nepal?
22.Why is cyber law necessary?
23.List any two reasons for formulating cyber law in Nepal?
24.Write any two ethical standards to be followed by computer user.
25.What is hacking?
26.Who is hacker?
27.What is white hacker?
28.What is black hacker?
29.What is PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)?
30.Why PKI  is used?
31.List some computer crimes.
32.What is privacy?
33.What is harassment?
34.What is public key?
35.What is private key?
36.What is intellectual property law?
37.What is copyright law?
38.Mention provisions provided by digital signature act-ordinance 2061 of Nepal.
39.What are the effects of computer crime?
40.What is the main purpose of data protection law?
41.What is software piracy?
42.What is phishing?
43.What is the purpose of Freedom of Information Act of 1970?
44.What is the purpose of video privacy protection act of 1998?
45.What are the major reasons for computer crime?
46.What are the different types of computer crime?
47.Write the importance of computer ethics in the cyber world.
48.Differentiate between public key and private key.
49.List any two main aims of formulating cyber law in Nepal.
50.Mention any four commandments of cyber ethics.

Chapter 7 [Number System]

1.      (1010101011)2 = (?)10   
2.      (1100-101)2
3.       (235)8 into decimal        
4.       (BA5)16 into binary
5.       10x11+101
6.       Divide 1011 by 10
7.       11001 – 110
8.       (ABC)16 to decimal
9.       (77)8 to Hexadecimal
10.   (10001)2 + (111)2
11.   1101x11+1011
12.      111111÷111
13.      (DOE)16 to (?)8
14.   (317)10 to (?)2
15.   101011+110011-11110
16.      1010011÷111
17.      (48)10 to (?)2
18.   (75)8to (?)10
19.    (458)10   into Octal
20.   (101101101101)2 into Hexadecimal
21.   (1111+10001) x 111
22.   (110000 /111)
23.      (11011111101)2  into (?)2
24.      (CAD)16 into (?)10
25.   (10111011) / (101)
26.   (110101) + (111) – (101)
27.   (501)8 into Decimal
28.   (BC0D)16 into Binary
29.   (101001-111) * 110
30.   Divide 110111 by 101
31.   10101+110011-10110
32.   101011÷111
33.   (45)10 into (?)             
34.   (73)8 into (?)10
35.    10*111+101
36.   divided 1101 by 101
37.   (1352)8 into decimal
38.   (1010111100)2 into Hexadecimal
39.   (CAFE)16   into Octal
40.   (101101)8 into Decimal
41.   (110+10000) x 11
42.   (111000 +111)
43.      (DAD)16 = (?)8
44.      (1204)8 = (?)2
45.      (100100 - 11101)2
46.   11101 ÷ 101
47.   (167)8= into hexadecimal         
48.   (75)8 into binary
49.   (1011+1011-111)2
50.   (101x11)2÷100
51.      (675)8 = (?)16    
52.      (657)10 = (?)8
53.   1111+111-101
54.   1001 × 101 ÷11
55.   (4102)8 into (x)2
56.  (216)10 into (x)16                                                    
57.   110000 – 10011
58.  1011 * 11                                                                   
59.   (486)10  into Hexadecimal          
60.   (705)8  into Binary
61.   1010+111-101  
62.   1101×11÷111
63.   (487)10 into Hexadecimal
64.   (407)8 into Binary
65.   1011+110-101
66.   1001 x 11÷111
67.   (1001 - 111) x (111)
68.  (1110 ÷ 10) + (110)
69.   (81)10intoto binary
70.  (453)8 into hexadecimal
71.   (10100)+(1101)
72.   101110÷111
73.   (608)10 =(?)2
74.   (10110000111)2=(?)8
75.   (10100)+(1011) –(1101)
76.   1010110÷110
77.      (564)10 =(?)2
78.   (100011110111)2=(?)8
79.   (534)8 into decimal
80.   (ACB)16 into binary
81.   (110)x11+101
82.   Divide 1101 by 110
83.   (631)10    into Octal                   
84.   (111000000110)2 into Hexadecimal
85.   (1101×110) ÷ 11
86.   11001 + 1110 – 101
87.      (42)10 =(?)2
88.      (14)=(?)10
89.      (30A)16=(?)8
90.      (931)10=(?)16
91.      (10011)2 = (?)8
92.      (2A0)16=(?)2
93.   Divide: 101010 by 111
94.   Simplify: (101 × 10)2 + (11 × 10)2 – (110)2 – (101)2
95.   (715)8 into decimal
96.   (BAC)16 into binary
97.   (101011-111) × 11
98.   Divide 110011 by 11
99.      (B07)16 =(?)10
100.                        (261)=(?)2
101.   (111)2 × (110)2 – (1101)2
102.                        (111001)2  ÷ (101)2
103.   (1702)= (?)16
104.  (1005)10 = (?)2
105.   (114)2×(101)2-(111)2
106. (10100101)2 ÷ (111)2
107.   (10101111)2= (?)10
108.   (101)8 = (?)16
109.   (110011 - 11101)2
110.  (1110 x1010)2 ÷ 1001
111.   (701)8into decimal
112.  (CA7E)16 into octal
113.   1101×101-1101
114.    Divide 100101 by 110
115.    (507)into Decimal
116.   (CAFE)16 into Binary
117.   110001-(111×10)
118.   101101/100
119.    (1007)10  into hexadecimal
120.    (100010)2 into decimal
121.   (1001011)2 ×(1010)2
122.   (100101)2÷(110)2
123.  1010+110-10                
124.   101110÷111
125.   (3AB)16 into octal
126.   (1245)10 into binary
127.   (504)8 into decimal
128.   (110101011)2 into Hexa decimal
129.    (1101+11010)-1001   
130.    (10111 x 101) ÷ 1010
131.    110 * 10 + 1001
132.    10010 ÷ 101
133.    (457)= (?)2
134.   (AB5)16 = (?)10
135.      (132)8 = (?)16
136.  (931)10 = (?)16   
137.      (10101011)2 = (?)8
138.   11011+ 110012                               
139.  1001102 - 11012
140.   10012 × 112
141.   10012               decimal            
142.                          42010               hexadecimal   
143.                        FADE16                                                binary
144.                        (648)10 into Octal          
145.                        (10011) into Decimal
146.                        1010 X   11
147.                        Divide  100101 by 110
148.                        (10101-1110)*(101)
149.                        (11100+10110)\(110)
150.                        (C22)   into binary
151.                        (253)   into octal
152.                        (305)8 into Decimal
153.                        (CAE)16 into Binary
154.                        (101101) + (1111) - (10110)       
155.                        101101 ÷ 101
156.  (615)10 – (    )2                       
157.  (BEEF)16 -  (    )8
158.  11011101 ÷ 100
159.  1011001 - 101101
160.                        (11011 x 110) – 11101  
161.                        111100 + 100
162.                        (256)into binary
163.                        (1011011011)into Hexa decimal
164.                        (11011)*(101)                          
165.                        101110÷110
166.                        (324)8=(?)16                  
167.                        (6DB)16=(?)10
168.                        (64)8 into binary                                                
169.                        (1010)2 into binary   
170.                        (6A)16 into decimal
171.                        101 + 1001 - 101   
172.                        101 × 10 + 10
173.                        1010 ÷ 101
174.                        (231)=(?)10                        
175.                        (1D3)16 =(?)2
176.                        (111001 - 11) + 111001      
177.                        (101101 ÷ 110)
178.                        1101 + 1111
179.                        1110 - 111
180.                        10 × 101 + 1101
181.                        101101 ÷ 10
182.                        (2071)10 into octal
183.                        (10111)2 into decimal
184.                        (BEE)16 into decimal
185.                        (A7C)16 into octal
186.                        (101011 × 10 )- 11101
187.                      111001 ÷ 100
188.                        (76)10 = (?)2                                         
189.                      (1010100)2 = (?)8
190.                        (534)8 into decimal        
191.                        (ACB)16 into binary
192.                        (110)x11+101   
193.                        Divided 1101 by 110
194.                        (233)8 into decimal         
195.                        (BA5)16 into binary
196.                        10*11+1001               
197.                        divide 10110 by 10
198.                        (101011101100)into Hexa          
199.                        (127)8  into Decimal
200.                        (101+11) x 101                          
201.                        Divide 100100 by 11
202.                        101011 + (110110 – 11101)                   
203.                        100011 ÷ 111               
204.                        (233)8 = (?)10                                       
205.                        (1001100)2 = (?)16        
206.                        (228) into decimal
207.                        (CA3)16 into binary
208.                        11*11
209.                        d ivide 1110 by 11
210.                         10101-1011                 
211.                        110*11
212.                        (101)10 into binary
213.                        (78)8 into decimal
214.                        (AC3)16 into decimal
215.                         (110010)into octal
216.                        11*11-101
217.                        Divide 1010 by 10
218.                        (108)10 into binary
219.                        (173)into binary
220.                        111*11                      
221.                        1010-10+11
222.                        (684)10 into octal           
223.                        (101011)into decimal
224.                        1011×11           
225.                        Divide 100101 by 110
226.                        (BED)16 into binary
227.                        (1010111)2 into octal
228.                        1010 × 10                                 
229.                        10101 ÷ 11
230.                        (11011x110)-11101                   
231.                        111100÷1000
232.                        (756)into binary
233.                        (1011011011)2 into hexadecimal
234.                        (524)10 into Octal                      
235.                        (31A)16­ into Binary
236.                        1011x101                     
237.                        1010-111+101
238.                        (7AF)16 into binary       
239.                        (1101101)2 into octal
240.                        11*11+11         
241.                        110÷10
242.                        (168)10 into binary         
243.                        (1011)2 into decimal
244.                        1011+1101                   
245.                        110x11
246.                        (442)into decimal        
247.                        (AB)16 into binary
248.                        101 x 10           
249.                        divide 1101 by 111
250.                        divide 1011011 by 111



Chapter 8 [Ms-Access]

1.      What is database?
2.      Give four examples of database.
3.      Differentiate between data and table.
4.      State the advantages of managing database information in access.
5.      Differentiate between database and database management system.
6.      Differentiate between computerized and non-computerized database.
7.      What is data? Write with examples.
8.      Differentiate between data and information.
9.      Differentiate between record and table.
10.  What is MS-Access?
11.  Define DBMS with example.
12.  Define RDBMS with example.
13.  List any four features of DBMS.
14.   List any four features of MS-Access?
15.  Define the term of input mask and relationship.
16.  What is caption?
17.  What are the different objects of MS-Access?
18.  What is data type?
19.  Write any four data types of MS-Access.
20.  List any four types of field properties used by MS-Access.
21.  What is validation rule? Define validation text.
22.  Differentiate between text and memo.
23.  What is field size?
24.   What is the use of ‘Format’ field property?
25.  Write down the use of Lookup Wizard and Hyperlink data types.
26.  Define indexing. Mention its types.
27.  Define relationship with its types.
28.  What is referential integrity?
29.  Define field.
30.  Differentiate between field and record.
31.  While designing table structure which data types are suitable to store information about teacher’s name, address, salary and date of birth.
32.  What happens when we enter text in a numeric field?
33.  What is Primary key? Why is it needed?
34.  Write any two uses of Primary key?
35.  What is composite and foreign key?
36.  Define sorting and filtering in MS-Access.
37.  How is sorting different from filtering?
38.  What are the advantages of sorting?
39.  What are the advantages of form over table?
40.  How can data redundancy be controlled in MS-Access?
41.  Define table. Write different ways to create a table.
42.  What is form? Mention the methods to create a form.
43.  What are the different controls used in form?
44.  Define query. Mention different types of query.
45.  What are the advantages of query?
46.  What are the purposes of query in MS-Access?
47.   What is select query? For what it can be used?
48.  What is update query?
49.  Write the append query?
50.  Differentiate between select query and action query.
51.  What is report? List any two methods to create report.
52.  What is the importance of report?
53.  Why is report created?
54.  What is the data source for report?
55.  Differentiate between form and report.
56.  Differentiate between Form and Query.
57.  Why do we sort records?
58.  Write the two uses of form.
59.  Write the two uses of query.
60.  Write the advantages of sorting data over unsorted data.
61.  Write the importance of primary key.
62.  Why is data validation used?
63.  How can data redundancy be controlled in Ms-Access?
64.  What is the use of primary key in a table?
65.  what are the basic properties of attributes?
66.  why do you define primary key in a table? Give reasons.
67.  What are the major components of Ms-Access? Write short notes on criteria.
68.  What are the two advantages of using form?
69.  Write the two components of table?
70.  Difference  between input mask and validation rule.
71.  Mention the type of query.
72.  What is data property?
73.  List any two purposes of database.
74.   Why is table called the most basic object? Give any four properties of table.
75.   Show the differences between select query and data filter.
76.  What is the importance of Validation Rule in database?
77.  What do you mean by formatting a table?
78.  Define validation rule and default value field property.
79.  Is MS-Access RDBMS? If yes, explain.
80.  Define DAB. List the major roles of DAB in managing database.
81.  A field in the database contains information about certain type for all records. Justify this statement with examples.
82.  What is Field Name? How long it can be?
83.  Differentiate between Update Query and Select Query.
84.  Why is reporter created?
85.  What data types are used to store salary and date of the birth?
86.  Write any two things to be considered after assigning primary key for a field.
87.  What is secondary key?
88.  What is the data source for report?
89.  Why table or query is needed to create a form?
90.  Write the names of any four form layouts.
91.  List all the layouts of a report.
92.  List any two layout of a form.
93.  List any four advantages of database.
94.  List any four disadvantages of database.
95.  What is relational database?
96.  What is an object?
97.  What are wild card characters?
98.  What is parameter query?
99.  What is cell?
100. Who is DBA? Write his/her responsibilities.

Chapter 9 [Modular Programming + File Handling + C Language]

1.      What is modular programming?
2.      What are the advantages of modular programming?
3.      What is main module?
4.      What is sub module?
5.      What is sub program?
6.      Differentiate between parameter and argument.
7.      Differentiate between local variable and global variable.
8.      Differentiate between passing argument by value and passing argument by reference.
9.      What is user defined function?
10.  What is library or built-in function?
11.  What is module?
12.  What are the two types of procedures in QBasic?
13.  Differentiate between main module and sub module.
14.  Write any four features of sub program.
15.  Differentiate between function and sub program.
16.  Write any four features of function program.
17.  What is program file?
18.  What is data file?
19.  What is random access data file?
20.  What is sequential access data file?
21.  What do you mean by mode of operation?
22.  List the types of mode of operation.
23.  What is output mode?
24.  What is input mode?
25.  What is append mode?
26.  What do you mean by open statement?
27.  Write down the function of WRITE statement.
28.  Write down the function of CLOSE statement.
29.  Write down the function of PRINT statement.
30.  Differentiate between WRITE and PRINT statement.
31.  Differentiate between OUTPUT and INPUT mode.
32.  Write down the function of EOF ( ) function.
33.  Write down the function of LINE INPUT statement.
34.  Write down the function of INPUT$ ( ) function.
35.  Write down the function of NAME statement.
36.  Write down the function of KILL statement.
37.  Write down the function of RMDIR statement.
38.  Write down the function of CHDIR statement.
39.  Write down the function of RMDIR statement.
40.  Write down the function of FILES statement.
41.  Write down the types of file.
42.  What is file?
43.  What are the advantages of creating a data file?
44.  Differentiate between data file and program file.
45.  Differentiate between INPUT# and LINE INPUT# statement.
46.  What is the use of file number of the data file? Write the range of the file number.
47.  What is procedure?
48.  Why Qbasic is called modular programming?
49.  Differentiate between user defined function and user defined function.
50.  Differentiate between formal and real parameters.
51.  What is file handling?
52.  Write the types of data files supported by QBasic.
53.  What is sub routine?
54.  Write the purpose of CALL statement.
55.  Write the purpose of FUNCTION….END FUNCTION
56.  Write the purpose of SUB….END SUB.
57.  Write the purpose of DECLARE statement.
58.  Write the purpose of SHARED statement.
59.  Write the purpose of DIM SHARED statement.
60.  Write the purpose of COMMON SHARED statement.
61.  Write down the function of OPEN statement.
62.  What are the different types of data types in QBasic?
63.  Which keyword is used to declare global variable?
64.  Write the function of SHELL statement.
65.  Write the function of DIM statement.
66.  Why is data file opened?
67.  What are the different types of argument?
68.   How can we pass v the content through module to procedure
69.   What is benefit of function?    
70.  Write difference of INPUT and INPUT #2.
71.  How modular programming is carried out in QBASIC?
72.  Write importance of modular programming.
73.  What is C language?
74.  Why is C called structured programming language.
75.  Why is C called middle level language.
76.  List any four data types used in C language.
77.  List any four keywords of C language.
78.  What are operators? What are the different types of operators in C language.
79.  Who developed C language and when?
80.  Differentiate between C language and QBasic.
81.  What do you mean by looping? Name the looping statement provided by C language.
82.  Give any four features of C language.
83.  Define structured programming language.
84.  Write any two selection structure of C language.
85.  What is data modifier?
86.  What are keywords?
87.  What is variable?
88.  Write the rules for naming variable in C.
89.  What is arithmetic operator? Give examples.
90.  What is unary operator? Give examples.
91.  What is relational operator? Give examples.
92.  What is logical operator? Give examples.
93.  What is control flow statement? List its types.
94.  What is decision making statement? List its types.
95.  What is loop in C? list its types.
96.  What are function in C?
97.  What is needed for user defined function?
98.  Write structure of a program in C language.
99.  Write down any two advantages of structural programming.
100. List the different access modes of sequential data file in QBASIC

 Good Luck


Elisha Khattri


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