Glossary (kEy Words) For Class NinE

Jaya Ganeshya

The set of instructions given to the computer.

Computer Generation:
The development of the technology.

Analog Computer:
The special purpose computer that works on continuous signal.

Digital Computer:
The computer that uses discrete data.

Hybrid Computer:
The special purpose computer that combines the best features of both analog and digital computers.

Computer System:
The group of integrated components arranged together to form the complete computer.

Input Unit:
The computer system is used for entering data and instructions to the computer.

Processing Unit:
The unit that is responsible for processing and controlling the entire operations of computer system.

Memory Unit :
The parts of the CPU that stores data and instructions for processing temporarily.

The part of CPU that carries out arithmetic and logical operations on the operands in computer instruction words.

The unit that controls and co-ordinates the entire operations of computer system.

Output Unit:
The unit that delivers information from the computer to an external device or form internal storage to external storage.

Storage Unit:
A memory device for a computer that stores more information permanently for future reference.

Number System:
A symbol and rules used to represent quantity for mathematical manipulation.

The number of digits used to represent the number system.

Bit :
The smallest unit of data in a computer memory.

A digital unit of measurement that refers to group of four bits or half of byte.

A group of eight bits.

A group of bits representing data or instructions that forms the basic information unit of the computer.

The physical components that make up the entire computer system.

An integrated circuit chip consisting of millions of transistors.

The part of computer system that stores data and information for fraction of a second or permanently.

Cache Memory:
A special high speed and expensive semiconductor memory placed between RAM and CPU.

Input Device:
A physical parts of computer through which we can enter data instruction to the computer for processing.

Output device:
A physical parts of computer that displays the data or information either in visual or audio format.

Softcopy Output:
The electronic version of an output stored in computer memory.

Hardcopy Output:
The physical form of output produce on the paper.

A set of instructions written to instruct the computer t solve a particular problem.

An organized collection of programs which is responsible for controlling and managing the hardware components of a computer system to perform specific tasks.

System Software:
The collection of programs that controls and manages all the internal operation of the computer.

Operating System:
A collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides its users with an interface.

Device Driver:
A computer program that allows other programs to interact with a hardware device.

Utility Software:
A program designed to perform maintenance work on the computer system or system components.

Language Translator:
A type of system software that translate programs prepared by programmer in any other language into machine language.

Application Software:
A type of computer software designed to solve a specific time according to instruction provided by the user.

Open-source software:
Computer software in which the source code is freely available to the general public for redistribution, modification, examination or any other feasible purpose.

Information technology:
A technology that is used to store, communicate and manipulate information.
The rules and regulation related to information technology to handle or use technology of computer systematically to fulfill the given objective.

a technology that collects, stores and processes data into information and communication all over the world through computer.

A visual computer environment that uses graphics, icons and pointers to make the computer more user-friendly.

A text mode based user interface of the computer.

Multi-user operating system:
Operating system that allows multiple user to use the same computer at the same time and /or different times.

A single user, single tasking operating system developed by Microsoft for IBM range or personal computers.

The process of starting the computer or loading the MS-DOS system files into the computer Memory

A divided portion or table of content of hard disk to organize the file in suitable forms.

A route or way of indicating the location by operating system to reach file.

Wildcards Characters:
The special characters which are used for substituting one or set of characters.

Microsoft Windows:
The most popular operating system for personal computers.

The small bitmap pictures of symbols used in GUI based operating system environment.

The text markup language used to create web pages for presenting information on the internet.

A huge collection of pages of information linked to each other around the globe on various topics.

Web Server:
A computer that delivers web pages.

Web Page:
A document stored in an electronic form that contains information in specific or single topic.

Home Page:
The main of first page of a website which give detailed information on its owner and provides links to its other parts.

A collection of related web pages of an organization or personal site which provides information.

A communication protocol which allows used of the WWW to exchange information found on web pages.

Web Browser:
Software that allows user to display and interact with a hypertext documents.

The internet address of a file stored on a server computer connected to the internet.

Programming :
The technique of creating a program including various steps in an organized way.

Programming language:
The artificial language that is used for writing programs for a computer.

A set of well-defined sequence of acts or procedure to perform the solution of problem in a finite number of steps.

A diagram showing a sequence of events that describes the activities necessary in the solution to a problem.

Pseudo code:
A program designing tool to write the step necessary to do the task with short English statements.

Control structure:
The statements that are used to handle different condition and iterations.

Branching :
The process of departure of the control of the program conditionally or unconditionally from its sequential flow depending upon the result of the condition.

A type of control flow structure that is used to execute one or more than one statement for a specified number of times until the condition is satisfied.

A code segment that manipulates data passed to it and returns either a string or numeric value.

Library Function:
A function that make programming more convenient to the programmer associated with mathematical application.

User Defined function:
The function which is defined by user in real time to perform specific task.

Mathematical function:
Built-in functions, which are used to process numeric data, solve them and returns numeric value.

String Functions:
Function that are used to manipulate strings.

A special type of variable has unique name, size and type.

A whole number or variable written within parenthesis.

Sorting :
The process of arranging records in either ascending or descending order.

*******************Jaya Ganeshya**********************


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