Computer System Security

Computer security
1.    What do you mean by computer security? write the importance of computer security.
  =               The protection of computer peripherals, data and program from its enemy heat, dust, fire, virus etc is known as computer security.
  computer security is importance in order to prevent both hardware and software from being damaged ,corrupted or theft.

2.    What are the types of computer security?
=                 Computer security can be classified into two types they are:
             i. Hardware security
             ii. Software security

3.    What is hardware security? write any four measures to protect the computer hardware.
=             Hardware security refers to the protection of computer and its peripherals from physical loss, damaged and theft. There are various ways to protect hardware:
             i.  Regular maintenance
             ii Dust free environment
             iii Air condition system
             iv closed circuit camera

4.    What do you mean by software security?
=                 Software security means the protection of software program, data, file from being deleted or corrupted.

5.    Write the importance of data and software security.
=                 Data and software are the most valuable and things to any private and public organization as well as the government agencies .If such valuable data are lost or damaged then it cannot recover easily and there will be a great loss so, the data and software security is very importance.

6.    List any four software security measures.
 = Some of the common software security measures are:
i.                   Using backup system
ii.                Keeping password
iii.             Using scan disk
iv.             Regular virus scanning
v.                 Apply defragmentation

7.    What is backup? Write its importance.
=                       Backup is the process of making an additional or reserve copy of data, programs and software for future use when required.
Importance of backup are:
                   If our original data, program software are lost, deleted or damaged in such case we can restore our data, program and software for future use when required.
8.    What is password? Write the rules for creating a valid password.
=                 A password is a secret word or phase that gives an authorized user access to a particular program or system.
Rules for creating a valid password,
i.                   Password must be at least of six characters.
ii.                Password must be confidential.
iii.             Password must be frequently modified.
iv.             Password must be difficult to guess by other.

9.     Define fragmentation and defragmentation.
 =                Fragmentation is the process of scattering of the part of same disk file over different location.
=                 Defragmentation is one of the software security measures allowing of rewriting part of a file to contiguous sector on hard disk to increase the actual speed of processing.

10.  What are power protection devices? Why are they needed?
=              Power protection device are hardware component used in computer system for proper supply of electricity to the computer and its peripherals.
They are needed in computer system to maintain the power from high or low voltage which may cause several hardware damage as well as software loss.

11.  List the common and popular power protection devices.
 = The common and popular power protection devices are:
i.                   Uninterruptable Power supply
ii.                Volt guard
iii.             Constant Voltage Transformer
iv.             Spike guard

12.  What is the importance of UPS in computer security.
  =               UPS in computer is very importance in order to supply regular power to the computer and its peripherals because voltage fluctuation may cause several hardware and software damage as well as data loss. Therefore, to avoid unpredictable problem UPS is importance.

13.  Define the Following term.
i.                   UPS
                   An uninterruptible power supply is a power protection device which stores electricity and provide the backup power automatically to the computer when required so that huge amount of data can be prevented from being damaged or loss.

ii.                 Spike guard
It is also a power protection device which is to prevent computer from sudden high voltage (Spikes) because of lightning in rainy season and control such high voltage.

iii.              Volt guard
                   It is a power protection device which provides the constant output voltage to the computer and prevents it from being damage due to high voltage.

iv.              Scandisk
                   Scandisk is one of the software security measures which works at as an utility tool in order to scan, detect and repair the error in the disk.

v.                Virus scanning
It is the process of scanning, detecting and removing viruses from our computer. It is also one of the software and data security measure needed to be applied in our computer system regularly by latest antivirus program.


State True or False
a.    Always use password system in your computer. True
b.    Backup is used for protecting computer viruses. False
c.     Valuable data and information may get lost due t virus. True
d.    Defragmentation does not help to improve the performance of the disk of computer. False
e.     Voltage regulators are used to supply constant voltage even if the electricity goes off. Fasle
f.      Scan disk files, folder, bad sectors, lost clusters and any errors of the specific disk .True
g.     Data security helps to ensure privacy. True
h.    The regular maintenance helps to protect software only. False
i.       The password prevents computer from unauthorized use and access. True
j.       A volt guard supplies backup electricity to the computer. False
k.    The cc camera is hardware security measure. True
l.       virus scanning helps to detect and remove computer viruses. True

 Write the suitable technical term of the following.
a.     The policies, procedure, tools and techniques designed to protect computer assts.
                = Computer security  

b.    An electronic device that supplies steady voltage to the appliances.
                = Volt guard

c.     The scattering of the parts of the same disk file over different location.
                = Fragmentation

d.    The process of re-writing parts of a file to contiguous sector on a hard disk to increase the speed of access and retrieval.
                = Defragmentation

e.      A copy of a file, which is used in the event of the original file being corrupted.
                = Backup

f.      The power regulating device which supplies constant power to the computer and accessories even the time of power cut.
                = UPS
g.     The tool used to check and keep the computer in good condition by fixing the error.
                = Scandisk

h.    The software used to scan computer's memory and disks to detect virus.
                = Antivirus

i.       The devices used to protect computer from sudden high power during lightning.
                = Spike guard

j.       An attempts to locate and save the deleted, Formatted or last data in usable form.
                = Backup

k.    A secret code-that gives an authorized user access particular program and system.
                = Password
l.       The method applied to increase the life of computer and its assets.
                = Computer security

m.   An utility program used to detect and repair lost clusters and bad sector of  hard disk.
                = Scandisk.  
1)                      Select the correct answer:
a)               Computer security refers to the
i.                  Hardware security                                                  iii. Software security
ii.              Data, hardware and software security        iv. None of the above

b)              Which of the following is software security?
i.                  Password                         iii. Backup
ii.              Scandisk                          iv. All of the above

c)               Which of the following allows protecting data, programs software from unauthorized user?
i.                  Antivirus program                  iii. Password
ii.              Debug                                             iv. All of the above

d)              Which of the following is not power supply device?
i.                  Volt guard                               iii. UPS
ii.              Hard drive                             iv. All

e)               Which type of security protects the computer and peripheral hardware from theft, electronic intrusion and damage.
i.                  Data security                           iii. Hardware security
ii.              Software security                    iv. All of the above

f)                Which device provides backup electric power during black out?
i.                  UPS                                 iii. Volt guard
ii.              CVT                                        iv. Spike guard

g)              Which of the following is the process of making reserve copy of data and program?
i.                  Photocopy                                       iii. Backup
ii.              Printing                                   iv. None of the above

h)              Which of the following is not hardware protection measure?
i.                  Security guard                        iii. Security alarms
ii.              Closed-circuit cameras           iv. Hard disk lock


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