a.Define the terms data and information with suitable examples.
Ans            Data: Data is the set of row facts, symbols or unprocessed means of information collected from various sources which does not gives the proper meaning.
Information: It is the meaningful information or desired output obtained after processing data which gives proper meaning.
 Example: Ram is a 15 years boy reads in grade 10,butwal.

b. What is Database? Write some example of databases.
Ans. A database is the collection of related data records organized in such a way that its contents can easily be accessed, managed and updated
Some example of databases are:
i) Telephone directory     ii) Mark ledger   iii) Flight schedule etc.

c. Write the advantages of computerized Database.
Ans. The advantage of computerized databases are.
·       Computerized database allows storing large volume of data in a small device.
·       Computerized database allows searching specific data quickly.
·       Computerized database reduce data duplication.
·       Computerized database allows advance filtering of data.

d. What is Database Management System (DBMS)?
Ans.  Database management system is a collection of software that manages data stored in database. It is a collection of software which is used to store data, records, process them and obtained desired information.

e.  List some popular database management system software.
Ans. Some popular DBMS software are.
·       DBase
·       FoxPro
·       Ms-Access
·       Sybase
·       Oracle
·       FOXBASE

f. Write the feature of DBMS.
Ans.  The features of DBMS are as follows.
-Easy to add new data.
-Easy to modify the data.
-Easy to delete existing data.
-Easy to sort the index data.
-Easy to search the data.

g. Write the advantages and disadvantages of DBMS.
Ans. Advantage of DBMS:
- Reduce data redundancy.
- Allows sharing data among different users and programs.
- Easy for editing, adding, and removing data.
- Mass storage of data can be stored in small disc.
- It provides better interacting environment to user.
    Disadvantage of DBMS.
- Costly and time consuming producers.
- Additional hardware and software may be required.
- Qualified personal required to operate.
- Data security problems may occurred.

h. Difference between data base and DBMS.
you have to make table for this
i.It is a collection of raw facts, symbol or data.                        
ii.it consists of data of related field.                                 
 iii.It is a part of DBMS.               
iv.Eg. Result sheet, inventory, salary sheet etc.                  

 i. It is a software to manage database.
 ii. It manages data stored in database
iii. It is a software system which contain database
 iv. Eg Ms-Access, dbase etc.                   
i.Differentiate between centralized versus distributed database system.
Centralized database system
Distributed database system
Data are stored in a single location or server.
Data are stored in different locations of node.
When main system or server fails, entire system will failed.
When one site or node will be failed, the remaining site will continue to operate.
There will be high data security.
There will be low data security.
It is suitable for single and small organization.
It is suitable for multiple and large organization.

j. Who is Database administrator (DBA)? List out his/her function or responsibilities.
Ans. Database administrator is a person who holds the central control over data and the programs and users comprising the database system. The main function or responsibilities of Database administrator are:
i.                   Schema definition by writing a set of definitions.
ii.                Deciding the information contents of database.
iii.             Storage structure and across methods finding.
iv.             Intermediate between user and application programmer.
v.                Ensures the security of system restricting unauthorized access.

k. What is RDBMS? Write some example of BMS.
Ans. Relational Database management system software is  software in which data are stored in multiple tables for different purposes and relations can be created among the tables on the basis of certain key field. Some examples of common and popular RDBMS are :  MSACCESS, ORACLE, MY SQL etc.

l. List the major features of RDBMS.
Ans.  The major features of RDBMS are.
a. It satisfied the twelve rules produced by E.F CODD.
b. It allows creating and setting relationship among multiple tables.
c. It guarantees the referential integrity between rows and various tables.
d. It updates the indexes automatically.
e. It supports the interprets the SQL Query.

m. What is Microsoft Access? Write its features.
Ans.  Microsoft Access is one of the popular relational database management system where data are arranged in the form of tables. It allows the user to create database, add, edit, delete, short and print the records in desired style.
  Features of MSACESS are:
a. It is relational DBMS so supports relationship among tables.
b. It supports multiple tables to store data.
c. It allows to store data with other application such as word, excel, web pages etc.
d. It incorporates other language like SQL, Macro and Visual Basic(VB).

n. Distinguished between file processing system and add database system.
File Processing System
Database System
Duplication of same data may be more than one storage place.
There will be data redundancy control.
Data are separated and scattered at various location.
Data can be shared large system and expensive.
It is relatively small system and cheaper.
It is relatively large system and expensive.
Data security will be low.
Data security will be high

o. Write short notes on the following elements of Database.
i. Field:
          Field is the topic name or heading under which records are stored. In the databases the fields are found column wise.
Example: Name, age, phone, gender, etc.
ii. Record:
          A record is a piece of information under the related fields about any person, place, organization, or anything.
Example: Ram, butwal 15etc.
iii. Table:
A table is a collection of records or group of records. A table contains a number of rows and column.
iv. Tuples:
A record row in database is called tuple. In another word the row wise record collectively known as tuples.

p.List the rules while naming field name in MSACESS.
   The following are the rules while naming the field names.
i.                   Field name can be up to 64 Character long.
ii.                Field name can contains letters, numbers, underscore etc.
iii.             Field name should not contain blank space and wild card.
iv.             Field name should not begin with space.
v.                 Field name should be unique.

q. What is Relationship?
Ans. A relationship is a link between two or more tables, so that we can work with them such as we do a single table.

r. Why is relationship needed in databases?
Ans. Relationship in databases is need in order to pull and share the information from different objects and multiple tables.

s. List the different types of relationship with examples.
- One to one                  eg.  Driver and car
- One to many               eg. Teacher and students
- Many to many            eg. Books and readers
- Many to one                eg. Students and school

t. List the different types of Ms-Access.
Ans. In Ms-Access all objects of a table are stores in a single file. The File name default extension is .MDB (Microsoft Database).The objects are.
- Table                        
- Query                     
- Form                            
- Report
- Macro                      
- Module

u.  Why is table called a primary building block of database?
Ans.  A table is called the primary building of a database because it allows keeping and storing related data at the beginning after designing the structure.

v. What is a primary key? Write its use and importance.
Ans.  A primary key is the field that uniquely identified record in a table so that there will not be repetition of data. It is very much useful to keep the record such as ID, Roll no, Phone number, passport no.etc which should not be repeated.
The importance of primary key is.
- To reduce data redundancy.
- No to leave the field blank.
- To set link among the different tables.
- To identify unique record in the table.

W. What is compound key(Composite key)?
Ans.           A compound key is a key that consists of multiple columns because one column is not sufficient to store data uniquely.

x. Define foreign key.
Ans.  A foreign key is the linking pin between two tables. It allows to store duplicate data but doesn’t accept null values.

y. Write the importance of table? In how ways you can create a table?
Ans.  Importance of table:
·       To store the data about specific topic.
·       To hold the main information.
·       To facilitate grouping and storing the relevant data.
We can create a table in following ways:
·       Design view
·       Using wizard
·       By entering data

Z. What is Query? Write the importance and use of query?
Ans. Query is the most important objects of Ms-Acess.it is a way of retrieving and editing information according to the condition asked then allows to process data accordingly.
Importance of query:
·       It displays the records of different tables.
·       It allows to sort and filter the data.
·       It manipulates the data according the user choice.
·       It allows viewing, changing and analyzing the data.

aa. Write short notes on the following types of query.
a. Select query
          This type of query allows retrieving and displaying the selected records form one or more linked table according to the specific criteria.
b. Action query
    This type of query allows updating, adding and removing mass records in just one single attempt.
c. SQL query
          This type of query allows specifying and using SQL commands as supported by RDBMS.

d. Cross tab query
          This type of query allows to perform calculation as well analyze the data on the database.
e. Advance sort/filter query
    This type of query allows performing advance sorting and filtering data from the database with multiple criteria.

bb. What is Form??Write the importance of form.
Ans. A form is a database object which is designed to enter new records and edit existing records easily.
  Importance of Form:
- To make modification of data directly into the table.
- To view the table in user defined manner.
- To control and enhance the way the data looks on the screen.
- To perform extensive editing of data using macros and VB procedure.

cc. Write the Advantage of form over table.
·       Forms are easier to enter data and perform calculations.
·       Forms allow the easy modification of particular data.
·       Forms are easier to focus on specific information needed.
·       Forms allows editing of data using macros or visual basic procedure.

dd. What is Report? Write the importance of report.
Ans.           It is a very important object of MSACESS. A report is an effective way of presenting final database in a printed format as hard copy.
 Importance of report:
·       To prepare complete output of the processing a database.
·       To compare, summarize and subtotal largest set of data.
·       To create and produce attractive invoices, purchase order, mail and labels.
·       To preview the database on screen before printing finally.

ee. What is wizard? Write its advantage.
Ans.           A wizard is a small predefined set of program that interviews us, asking question about what we want to accomplish. The advantage of wizard is to create table, query or any object according to our specification quickly.

ff. Differentiate between design view and wizard.
Design View
It takes more time.
It save our time.
We can make our own design.
We can choose formats from pre-mode one.
We can create any field according to own requirements.
We can copy fields from any of the simple tables.


gg. What is Data type? List the different types used in Ms-Access.
Ans.   Data type is an attribute for a field that determines what type of data can be stored in the table while entering records.
Following are the common data types used in Ms-Access:
Data Type
Purpose /Function
Text or combination of text and numbers.
Up to 255 characters
Lengthy text or combination of text and numbers
Up to 65,535 characters
Numeric data
1 byte
2 bytes
Integer, long integer
4 bytes
Single precision
4 bytes
Double precision
Date and time information
Monitory values
Auto number
A unique sequential number (incremented by 1)
Yes /No
Boolean values i.e.0 or 1
1bit (0 or 1)
OLE object
An object (Word, Excel, Graphics, Sound and Pictures)etc.
Up to 1GB
Web/email and other documents
2048 character(2003)
1GB (2007)
Lookup wizard
Creates a field that allow you to select a value
Up  to 4 bytes or 255 character per value.
File attachment
2GB compressed

hh. What is field property? List the different types of field properties of Ms-access.
Ans.           The additional information provided to each field data type is known as field property.
The different types of field property are:
·       Field size
·       Format
·       Input mask
·       Caption
·       Decimal places
·       Default value
·       Validation rule
·       Required
·       Allow zero length
·       Indexed

ii. Define the terms Sorting and Filtering the database with their purpose.
ans.             Sorting data: Sorting is the process of arranging the records in a particular order of a field. The order of sorting may be entered in ascending order(A-Z) or descending order (Z-A).
Filtering data: The process of displaying the specific and particular records according to the set criteria from database or group of records is known as filtering.
The purpose of sorting and filtering database us to find and locate data quickly by increasing search speed.

jj. Differentiate between text and memo field
ans.             Text field allows to store alphanumeric data up to 255 characters long where as memo field allows to store long and descriptive data up to 65535 characters long. Text field can be set with primary key where as memo field cannot be set without the primary key.

kk. What is indexing? Write the advantage of indexing.
Ans.  Indexing is one of the field property and feature of Ms-Access which store the location of the data based on the fields we choose to index.
The advantage of indexing options with their meaning.
There are two indexing options available in MS ACESS. They are:
i)                  Yes(No duplicate):In this case it does not accept the duplicate data in the particular fields.
ii)               Yes(duplicates ok) In this case it accepts the duplicate data in the particular field.

mm. Differentiate between number and auto number.
 Number: It allows any number to be entered in the field.
          Auto number: It will automatically insert the unique number in the row data.

nn. What is meant by data redundancy?
Ans. Data redundancy is the repetition of same data in the particular field again which is undesirable for the fields such as roll number, ID number, serial number, account number etc.

2. State True or False .(anyone question for 2 marks)
a. Ms-Excel is database management software. FALSE
b. Attachment is new data type which is used to store digital image or file attachment. TRUE
c. The default size of text field is50.TRUE
d. Report is used  to prepare hard copy output of database. TRUE
e. In query calculation can be done. TRUE
f. Hyperlink data type occupies up to 2048 characters. TRUE
g. RDBMS does not support structure Query language. FALSE
h. Memo file accepts 32,757 characters. FALSE
i. Yes/no data type stores one out of two values. TRUE
j. Validation rule is used to limit data entry by setting the range. TRUE
k. More than one table can be created in Ms-Access. TRUE
l. Ms-Access shares the data with other application like word and excel. FALSE
m. Form can be the source of table. TRUE
n. The extension of Ms-Access database file is DBF.FALSE
o. More than one table cannot be created in MS access. FALSE
p. * is a wild card that represents any one character in an expression. FALSE
q. We cannot change data type of field. FALSE
r. Action query makes mass change in table. TRUE
s. A query is used to select and records from many tables. TRUE
T .Ms-Access is spreadsheet software. FALSE
u. Index decreases the speed of the query and sort operations. FALSE
v. The data in primary key field need to be unique. TRUE
w. Primary key doesn’t accept null value. TRUE
x. The form allows to display one complete information at once. TRUE
y. Memo data type cannot be indexed. TRUE
z. A column of table is known as field. TRUE
aa. A query can also be created without the source of table. FALSE
bb. Hyper link data type is used to store pictures. FALSE

1.    Choose the correct answer:
a)    Which of the following is not a Ms-Access database object?
i.                   Table                                  iii. Form
ii.                Query                                 iv. Filter

b)   We can enter data in a table directly in…………
i.                   Design view                      iii. Datasheet view
ii.                Format view                      iv. All of the above

c)    Large collection of relate data and files is called..
i.                   Fields                                 iii. Records
ii.                Database                          iv. Table

d)   What is the language used by most of the RDBMS for helping their used to access data?
i.                   High level language          iii. Query language
ii.                SQL                                   iv. 4GL

e)    Form is design for…
i.                   Entering data                     iii. Displaying data
ii.                Printing data                     iv. Modifying data

f)     Query is used to
i.                   Retrieve data                             iii. Enter data
ii.                Print data                                iv. None of the above

g)    Which of the following is not a relational database?
i.                   Dbase                                iii. Oracle
ii.                Ms-access                          iv. All of the above

h)   Which of the following is not a data type?
i.                   Picture                              iii. Date/time
ii.                Text                                        iv. Number

i)      What is the maximum length of text field?
i.                   512 characters                   iii. 50 characters
ii.                255 characters                 iv. No limit

j)      Which of the following is not field property?
i.                   Indexed                             iii. Field size
ii.                Color                                      iv. Format
k)   Which field type is used to store picture in a table?
i.                   Memo                                iii. OLE object
ii.                Hyperlink                          iv. None

l)      Which of the following is MS Access object?
i.                   Form                                          iii. Sort
ii.                Caption                              iv. Index

m) Which of the following is ready to print information?
i.                   Format                               iii. Report
ii.                Query                                 iv. Table

n)   To find items that cost between Rs 20 and Rs 22 in a database table, which of the following, we use.
i.                   Report                                iii. Printing
ii.                Sorting                                   iv. Filtering

o)   What is the extension of Ms-Access database file?
i.                   .DOC                                 iii. .DBF
ii.                .MDB                                iv. .XLS

p)   Which of the following field is suitable to store price?
i.                   Text                                   iii. Number
ii.                OLE                                   iv. Currency

q)   Which of the following is database management system?
i.                   Foxbase                            iii. Ms-Word
ii.                Ms-Excel                           iv. Ms-PowerPoint
r)     Which of the following numeric data type is used to store the largest numeric value?
i.                   Byte                                             iii. Integer
ii.                Single precision                     iv. Double precision

s)     Which of the following data is suitable to store data in memo field?
i.                   Name                                 iii. Bio-data
ii.                Age                                    iv. Phone number

t)      What is the maximum size of date/time data type?
i.                   One byte                           iii. Two bytes
ii.                Eight bytes                        iv. Four bytes

u)   Which of the following is an example of database?
i.                   Mark ledger                       iii. Telephone directory
ii.                Salary-sheet                      iv. All of the above

v)   MSACCESS is
i.                   Paint program                        iii. RDBMS program
ii.                Graphics program             iv. Programming language

w) Which one of the following is not a data type?
i.                   Text                                   iii. Number
ii.                True/false                         iv. Currency

x)   The logical data type of access is…………….
i.                   Yes/no                               iii. True/false
ii.                On/off                                iv. All

y)   The intersection of row and column is called.
i.                   Shell                                  iii. Cell
ii.                Mail                                   iv. Sale

z)    The data type appropriate to store serial number is
i.                   Memo                                iii. Currency
ii.                Text                                   iv. Auto number

aa)            Which of the following is a piece of information in the database?
i.                   Record                              iii. Row
ii.                Column                             iv. None of the above

bb)          Which of the following features is used to arrange the record in specified order?
i.                   Sort                                    iii. Filter
ii.                Input mask                        iv. Index

cc)            Primary key does not accept……..
i.                   Text                                   iii. Number
ii.                Null value                         iv. None of the above

dd)          Which of the following allows to enter data in the database?
i.                   Table                                 iii. Query
ii.                Form                                  iv. None of the above

ee)            Which of the following key allows to reduce data redundancy?
i.                   Primary key                     iii. Secondary key
ii.                First key                                iv. None of the above

ff)  Which of the following uniquely identifies any field?
i.                   Index                                      iii. Memo
ii.                Primary key                     iv. Query

gg)           A field in database is also known as
i.                   Column                              iii. Table
ii.                Tuple                                           iv. None of the above

hh)          The object of Ms-Access that is used to generate hard copy of records.
i.                   Query                                 iii. Form
ii.                Table                                  iv. Report

ii)        Which of the following key field allows duplicate data but does not accept null value?
i.                   Primary key                  iii. Foreign key
ii.                Secondary key             iv. None of the above

jj)   Which  of the following is not a type of query?
i.                   Search query                    iii. Select query
ii.                Update query                    iv. All of the above

kk)          Which of the following is the collection of multiple related fields?
i.                   Records                             iii. Table
ii.                Forms                                     iv. Query

Thank you
For queries


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