Cyber Law and Ethics

Cyber Law and Ethics
Answer the following questions.
a. What is cyber space? Who used this term for the first time?
=                 Cyber space is the virtual space created by computer networks internet and telecommunication.
  The term cyber space was used by cyberpunk science fiction author william Gibson for the first time.

b. What are the areas covered by Cyberspace?
=  Cyberspace covers the following areas including computer, network. Internet, websites, Email, Data. Software, programs, storage devices, electronic devices,(cell phones, Atm machines) etc.

 c. Define computer crime/cyber crime with examples.
 =                It is a crime or illegal activities committed by people through the use  of computer and internet related services .
  The Following are the common types of cyber crimes.
                    i.Hacking                                ii.Pornography
                    iii.Harrassment                        iv.Privacy etc

  d. What is cyber law? When was cyber law of Nepal introduced for first time?
 =                The necessary laws, rules or procedures formed and adopted by government or concerned authorities to control and above cyber crime is known as cyber law.
 Cyber law of Nepal was introduces on 30th Bhadra 2061 BS [15th september 2004 A.D] after approving by council of ministers for the first time.

e. Write the importance of cyber law for any countries.
=                 The cyber law is very much important to control cyber crime legalize the transaction electronically, control electronic frauds and punish the cyber criminals legally.

 f. List any Four provisions made in the cyber law of Nepal 2061 B.S?
  =  The following are the provisions made in the cyber law of Nepal 2061 B.S.
               i.   Provision for necessary punishment against cyber crimes.
               ii.  Provision about the duty and responsibilities of user and
               iii. Provision of digital signature, electronic data processing etc.
               iv. Provision of legal hearing of cyber related problems through IT tribunal  and Appellate Tribunal.

g.    What are the areas covered by cyber law?
 =   The areas covered by cyber law are:
                i. Computer crime and electronic frauds.
                ii. Telecommunication laws
                iii. Digital signature and data protection law.
                iv. Intellectual property law.
                v.  Copyright and patent right law etc.

h.    List the international cyber law.
=            International cyber law was basically started from 1970 A.D .some of laws are:
                i.  Fair credit reporting act-1970 A.D.
                ii. Freedom of information act-1970 A.D.
                iii. Federal privacy act-1974 A.D.
                iv.  Video privacy protection act-1998 A.D
                v.  Computer matching and privacy protection-1988 A.D.
                vi. Copyright act-1992 A.D.

  i. List the different effect of cyber crime in society.
    =  The effects of Cyber crime are:
                i. Physical theft of the computer and other equipment.
               ii. Altering the original web page.
               iii. The privacy of the compute ca be lost due to unauthorized access.
                iv. Security problem may be occurred.
                v. New types of virus can attack software or programs.

  j. What is hacking? Who does this activity?
 =                The Hacking is the process of internationally going unauthorized access to an information to an information system. The person who does this activity is a hacker.
a.    What do you mean by digital signature?
=                 A digital signature is the digital identity of sender that uniquely identities the particular sender electronically which is based on public key and private key.
b.    What is public key infrastructure?
=                 IT is a security management system including hardware ,software, people and politics, dedicated to the management of digital certificate for the purpose to exchange of electronic message.

 M. What is Harassment?
=                 Harassment is the process of irritating the defendant by sending obscurities and insulting comments focusing on gender, caste, religion.
 N. Define hacker and cracker.
 =                Hacker is a person who uses a computer to gain an unauthorized access.
 =                Cracker is a computer user who attempts a break into copyright software or an information system.

o. Define computer ethnics.
 =                IT is a branch of practical principle or general behavior that deals with how the computer experts and users should make decision in regard to the social while using the computer and electronic system.
Q. What are the issues relating to computer ethics?
 =  Following are the issues relating with computer ethics:
   ii. Privacy and piracy        
   iii. Harassment
                   iv.Internet pornography  etc.
 r. List the ethical points that the computer user should be remembered.
                =  They are:
                i. Not to use computer to steal data.
                ii. Not to disclose the secrecy of computer.
                iii. Not to use the computer to harm other people
                iv. Not to use password of other.
                v.  Not to spread the illegal information.


 Write short notes on.
 a. Salami Saving:
                            It is a type of computer crime in which a programmer/criminal alters a program so that it subtracts a very small amount of money from each accounts and diverts the fund to the required account.

 b. Data Diddling:
                           It is also a type of cyber crime in which criminals alters the regular account and insides modify data therefore it is difficult to  know that they have stolen or transferred fund.
 c. Software Privacy:
                            It is the act of illegally, copying or distributing software without purchasing or having legal right of the software.

d. Plagiarism.
                It is the act of tacking other persons, writing, conservation song or even idea and passing it off as own.

 e. Pornography:
                            IT is the representation of human body or human sexual behavior for the purpose of sexual stimulation which is distributed through internet to the computer user.

State whether the following is True or False:
a.     Computer ethnics gives awareness to the users in computing field [True]
b.    Cyber law of Nepal was introduced in 2060 B.S.[Fasle]
c.     Cyber law covers those places including ICT's and the places where  more computer are connected.[True]
d.    Software piracy is a cyber crime.[True]
e.     The term "cyber space" was used by charles Babbage in 1984. [Fasle]
f.      Cyber law covers those area related to ICT's .[True]
g.    A hacker is a person who performs the constructive work in the field of cyber space.[Fasle]

 Choose the correct answer from the following
  a. When was cyber law introduced in Nepal for the first time?
                 =  2004 A.D

  b. Which of the following is computer crime?
                 =  All of above

  c. Cyber ethics is'
                 =  Moral laws
   d. Which of the following is not computer crime?
                 =  Authentication

   e. Which of following steals the confidential data,acquire free access to the
                    program the malicious distraction of files?
                 =  Cracker

    f. Which of the following is included in cyber law?
                 =  All of the above

     g. When was the term'cyber space" used for first time?
                 =  1984 A.D.

 Write the suitable technical term of the following.
a. Internationally getting unauthorized access to an information system.
                  = Hacking

 b. The laws related to the internet and cyber space.
                  = cyber law
 c. The branch of practical that deals with how the computer experts should make decision in regard to social and professional behavior.
                  = Computer ethics
 d. The concept of keeping users data confidential, such as stored files and email, which cannot be examined by anyone else without users permission.
                 = Privacy

e. A security mechanism used on the internet the relies on two keys, one  public and on private.
                 =  Digital signature.

 f. Virtual space created by computer networks, internet to make communication.
                 =  Cyber space
  g. A person who uses a computer to gain an unauthorized access.
                 =  Hacker
  h. A computer user who attempts to break into copy right protected or an information system.
                 =  Cracker

  i. The process of encoding information in a such way that it is in readable to all.
                 =  Encryption

  j. The process of restoring encrypted data on its original form.
                 =  Decryption

   k. The rules and regulation to systematic the computer related to technology.
                 =  Cyber law

    l. Moral rules to be followed by computer and other professionals.
                 =  Cyber space

    n. The misdeed carried out by using the computer and IT based media.
                 =  Cyber Crime.
   o. An illegal activity to harm computer user and their assets.
                 =  Cyber crime
1.               Choose the correct answer:
a)               When was cyber law introduced in Nepal first time(in A.D.)?
i.                  2002 A.D.               iii. 2003 A.D.
ii.              2004 A.D.               iv.2005 A.D.

b)              Which of the following is computer crime?
i.                  Hacking          iii. Pornography
ii.              Harassment             iv. All of the above

c)               Cyber ethics is
i.                  Moral laws             iii. Data protection laws
ii.              Copy right laws      iv. None of the above

d)              Which of the following is not computer crime?
i.                  Forgery                   iii. Password guessing
ii.              Authentication               iv. Data diddling

e)               Which of the following steals the confidential data, acquire free access to perform the malicious destruction of files.
i.                  Hacker                    iii. Marker
ii.              Cracker                  iv. Buster

f)                Which of the following is included in cyber law?
i.                  Trademark law               iii. Copyright law
ii.              Patent law                       iv. All of the above

g)              When was The term ‘  cyber space’ used for first time?
i.                  1884 A.D.                       iii. 1984 A.D.
ii.              1985 A.D.                       iv. 1885 A.D.

********************Jaya Ganeshya***********************


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