Computer Ethics

Computer ethics deals with the procedures, values and practices that govern the process of consuming computing technology and its related disciplines without damaging or violating the moral values and beliefs of any individual, organization or entity. It is very important that as engineers and computer scientists, we study ethics. Engineers have the power to create. We create everything from machines to medicines to software. Having a code of ethics helps to ensure that the things we build are for good and not harm. Commandments of Computer Ethics: • Commandment 1: Simply put: Do not use the computer in ways that may harm other people. Explanation: This commandment says that it is unethical to use a computer to harm another user. It is not limited to physical injury. It includes harming or corrupting other users' data or files. The commandment states that it is wrong to use a computer to steal someone's personal information. Manipulating or destroying files of other users is ethically wrong. It is unethical to write programs, which on execution lead to stealing, copying or gaining unauthorized access to other users' data. Being involved in practices like hacking, spamming, phishing or cyber bullying does not conform to computer ethics. • Commandment 2: Simply put: Do not use computer technology to cause interference in other users' work. Explanation: Computer software can be used in ways that disturb other users or disrupt their work. Viruses, for example, are programs meant to harm useful computer programs or interfere with the normal functioning of a computer. Malicious software can disrupt the functioning of computers in more ways than one. It may overload computer memory through excessive consumption of computer resources, thus slowing its functioning. It may cause a computer to function wrongly or even stop working. Using malicious software to attack a computer is unethical. • Commandment 3: Simply put: Do not spy on another person's computer data. Explanation: We know it is wrong to read someone's personal letters. On the same lines, it is wrong to read someone else's email messages or files. Obtaining data from another person's private files is nothing less than breaking into someone's room. Snooping around in another person's files or reading someone else's personal messages is the invasion of his privacy. There are exceptions to this. For example, spying is necessary and cannot be called unethical when it is done against illegitimate use of computers. For example, intelligence agencies working on cybercrime cases need to spy on the internet activity of suspects. • Commandment 4: Simply put: Do not use computer technology to steal information. Explanation: Stealing sensitive information or leaking confidential information is as good as robbery. It is wrong to acquire personal information of employees from an employee database or patient history from a hospital database or other such information that is meant to be confidential. Similarly, breaking into a bank account to collect information about the account or account holder is wrong. Illegal electronic transfer of funds is a type of fraud. With the use of technology, stealing of information is much easier. Computers can be used to store stolen information. • Commandment 5: Simply put: Do not contribute to the spread of misinformation using computer technology. Explanation: Spread of information has become viral today, because of the Internet. This also means that false news or rumors can spread speedily through social networking sites or emails. Being involved in the circulation of incorrect information is unethical. Mails and pop-ups are commonly used to spread the wrong information or give false alerts with the only intent of selling products. Mails from untrusted sources advertising certain products or spreading some hard-to-believe information, are not uncommon. Direct or indirect involvement in the circulation of false information is ethically wrong. Giving wrong information can hurt other parties or organizations that are affected by that particular theme. • Commandment 6: Simply put: Refrain from copying software or buying pirated copies. Pay for software unless it is free. Explanation: Like any other artistic or literary work, software is copyrighted. A piece of code is the original work of the individual who created it. It is copyrighted in his/her name. In case of a developer writing software for the organization she works for, the organization holds the copyright for it. Copyright holds true unless its creators announce it is not. Obtaining illegal copies of copyrighted software is unethical and also encourages others to make copies illegally. • Commandment 7: Simply put: Do not use someone else's computer resources unless authorized to. Explanation: Multi-user systems have user specific passwords. Breaking into some other user's password, thus intruding his/her private space is unethical. It is not ethical to hack passwords for gaining unauthorized access to a password-protected computer system. Accessing data that you are not authorized to access or gaining access to another user's computer without her permission is not ethical. • Commandment 8: Simply put: It is wrong to claim ownership on a work which is the output of someone else's intellect. Explanation: Programs developed by a software developer are her property. If he is working with an organization, they are the organization's property. Copying them and propagating them in one's own name is unethical. This applies to any creative work, program or design. Establishing ownership on a work which is not yours is ethically wrong. • Commandment 9: Simply put: Before developing a software, think about the social impact it can have. Explanation: Looking at the social consequences that a program can have, describes a broader perspective of looking at technology. A computer software on release, reaches millions. Software like video games and animations or educational software can have a social impact on their users. When working on animation films or designing video games, for example, it is the programmer's responsibility to understand his target audience/users and the effect it may have on them. For example, a computer game for kids should not have content that can influence them negatively. Similarly, writing malicious software is ethically wrong. A software developer/development firm should consider the influence their code can have on the society at large. • Commandment 10: Simply put: In using computers for communication, be respectful and courteous with the fellow members. Explanation: The communication etiquette we follow in the real world applies to communication over computers as well. While communicating over the Internet, one should treat others with respect. One should not intrude others' private space, use abusive language, make false statements or pass irresponsible remarks about others. One should be courteous while communicating over the web and should respect others' time and resources. Also, one should be considerate with a novice computer user. Goals of Information and communication Technology Policy: • Nepal will strive towards enhancing overall national ICT readiness with the objective of being at least in the top second quartile of the international ICT development index and eGovernment rankings by 2020. • नेपाल 2020 सम्ममा अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय आईसीटी विकास सूचकांक र ई-सरकारको कम्तिमा शीर्ष दोस्रो क्वाटरमा हुने उद्देश्यले समग्र राष्ट्रिय आईसीटी तत्परता बृद्धि गर्ने प्रयत्न गर्नेछ • At least 75 present of the population will have digital literacy skills by the end of 2020. • कम्तिमा 75 % जना जनसंख्याको २०२० को अन्तसम्ममा डिजिटल साक्षरता सीप हुनेछ। • A universal broadband access to all people on an equitable basis will be in place. By 2020, 90 present of the population will be able to access the broadband services. • एक समान आधारमा सबै व्यक्तिहरूको लागि एक सार्वभौमिक ब्रॉडब्यान्ड (Broadbrand) पहुँच ठाउँमा हुनेछ। २०२० सम्ममा 90 % जना जनसंख्याले ब्रॉडब्यान्ड सेवाहरू पहुँच गर्न सक्नेछन। • The role and significance of ICT industries and services (including telecom services) will increase in the Nepali economy with ICT value added (including digital content and service industry) accounting for at least 7.5% present of GDP by 2020. • आईसीटी उद्योग र सेवाहरूको भूमिका र महत्त्व (टेलिकम सेवा सहित) नेपाली अर्थतन्त्रमा आईसीटी मूल्य थपिएको (डिजिटल सामग्री र सेवा उद्योग सहित) बढ्नेछ जुन २०20 सम्ममा जीडीपीको कम्तिमा 7.5% रहनेछ। • By 2020, entire population of Nepal would have access to internet • २०२० सम्ममा नेपालको सम्पूर्ण जनसंख्याले इन्टरनेटमा पहुँच पुर्‍याउनेछ • 80% of all citizen facing government services would be offered on line by 2020 • 80% citizens सरकारले सामना गरिरहेका सबै नागरिकहरूलाई २०२० सम्ममा लाइनमा प्रस्ताव गरिने छ • E-procurement will be promoted as means of driving transparency through government procurement processes covering all public procurement of goods and services irrespective of cost and volume of such procurements by 2018 • 2018 सम्ममा यस्तो खरीदको लागत र खण्डको पर्वा बिना वस्तु तथा सेवाहरूको सबै सार्वजनिक खरीदलाई कभर गर्ने सरकारी खरीद प्रक्रियाबाट सवारी चालक पारदर्शिताको साधनको रूपमा प्रसार गरिनेछ। • G2G implementation would be promoted with a view to achieving complete automation of the operations of land administration, revenue administration and management, vital registration, passport and citizenship certificate services by 2020. • २०२० सम्ममा जग्गा प्रशासन, राजस्व प्रशासन र व्यवस्थापन, महत्वपूर्ण दर्ता, राहदानी र नागरिकता सेवा सेवाहरूको संचालनको पूर्ण स्वचालन प्राप्त गर्ने दृष्टिकोणले G2G कार्यान्वयनको प्रबर्धन गरिनेछ। • Broadband access will be expanded across the country with the goal of achieving a broadband Internet user penetration rate of 30% at a minimum of 512kbps and making available at least 10 Mbps download speed on demand in urban areas by 2018. • ब्रोडब्यान्ड पहुँच कम्तिमा 512 केबीपीएसमा 30% को ब्रॉडब्यान्ड प्रयोगकर्ता प्रवेश दर प्राप्त गर्ने लक्ष्यका साथ देशभर विस्तार गरिनेछ र urban सम्ममा शहरी क्षेत्रहरूमा मागमा कम्तिमा १० एमबीपीएस डाउनलोड गति उपलब्ध गराउने छ। • Special funding arrangements will be developed and implemented within 2018 to support innovation and incubation of on-line businesses and start-ups • 2018 अनलाइन व्यवसाय र स्टार्ट-अपहरूको नवीनता र Innovation लाई समर्थन गर्न 2018 भित्र विशेष कोष व्यवस्थाको विकास र कार्यान्वयन गरिनेछ।


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