C Programming

1. WAP to calculate the area of a rectangle in c. [Hints: a = l x b] #include void main() { int l, b, a; printf (“Enter Length: ”); scanf (“%d”, &l); printf (“Enter Breadth: “); scanf (“%d”, &b); a = l * b; printf (“The area is %d”, a); getch(); } 2. WAP to calculate the simple interest in c. [Hints: i= (ptr)/100] #include int main() { float p, t, r, i; printf (“Enter principal time and rate: ”); scanf (“%f %f %f”, &p, &t, &r); i= (p*t*r)/100; printf (“The interest is %f”, i); return 0; } 3.WAP to calculate the average of 3 number in c. [Hints: av= (a+b+c)/3] #include int main() { float a, b, c, av; printf (“Enter 3 numbers: ”); scanf (“%f %f %f”, &a, &b, &rc); av= (a+b+c)/3; printf (“The average is %f”, av); return 0; } 4. WAP to calculate the volume of cylinder in c. [Hints: v= pi*r*r*h] #include int main() { float pi=3.14, r, h, v; printf (“Enter radius and height: ”); scanf (“%f %f ”, &r, &h); v= pi*r*r*h; printf (“The volume is %f”, v); return 0; } 5.Write a program to find greatest among two number #include int main() { int a,b; printf (“Enter two number”); scanf (“%d %d”, &a, &b); if (a>b) { printf (“%d is greatest", a); } else { printf (“%d is greatest", b); } return 0; } 6.Write a program to check whether given number is odd or even #include int main() { int n, r ; printf (“Enter number”); scanf (“%d”, &n); r = n%2; if (r ==0) { printf (“%d is even", n); } else { printf (“%d is odd", n); } return 0; } 7. Write a program to check whether given number is positive or negative #include int main() { int n; printf (“Enter number”); scanf (“%d”, &n); if (n>0) { printf (“%d is positive", n); } else { printf (“%d is negative", n); } return 0; } 8.Write a program to check whether given number is positive, negative or zero. #include int main() { int n; printf (“Enter number”); scanf (“%d”, &n); if (n>0) { printf (“%d is positive", n); } else if (n<0) { printf (“%d is negative", n); } else { printf("%d is zero", n); } return 0; } 9. Write a program to find greatest among three number. #include int main() { int a, b, c; printf (“Enter 3 number”); scanf (“%d %d %d”, &a, &b, &c); if (a>b && a>c) { printf (“%d is greatest", a); } else if (b>a && b>c) { printf (“%d is greatest", b); } else { printf (“%d is greatest", c); } return 0; } 11. Write a C program to check whether a character is an alphabet or not. #include Int main() { Char c; Printf(“Enter a character:”); Scanf(“Enter a character:”); If ((c>=‘a’ && c<=‘Z’) || (c>=‘A’ && c<= ‘Z’)) { printf(“%c is an alphabet.”,c); } Else { printf(“%c is not an alphabet.”,c); } return 0; } 12. Write a program in C language to display first 10 natural numbers. #include int main () { int I; for(i=0;i<10;i++) } printf(“%d”,i); } return 0; } 13. Write a program in C program to display the series with their sum 1,2,3,4….up to 10th term. #include Int main() { Int I,sum; for (i=0;i<10;i++) { printf(“%”,i); Sum+=I; } printf(“Sum of the series=%d”,sum); return 0; } 14. Write a program in C language to ask a number and check weather is exactly divisible by 5 or not. #include int main() { int n; printf(“Enter any number:”); Scanf(“%d”,&n); If(n%5==0) { Printf(“%d is exactly divisible by 5”,n); } Else { printf(“%d is not exactly divisible by 5”,n); } return 0; } 15. Write a program in C program in C language to display the series 2,4,6,8…..upto 10th term. #include int main() { for(i=0;i<10;i++) { printf(“%d”,a); a+=2; } return 0; } 16. Write a program in C language to display first 10 odd numbers. #include int main() { int I,a=1; for(i=0; i<10; i++) { Printf(“%d”,a); a+=2; return 0; } 17.Write a program in C language to display the series 2,4,6,8…..upto 10th term. #include Int main() { Int I,a=2; For (i=0;i<10;i++) { Printf(“%d”,a); a+=2 } Return 0; } 18.Write a program in C language that asks three numbers and print the smallest among them. #include Int main() { Int a,b,c; Printf(“Enter any three numbers”); Scanf(“%d%d%d,&a,&b,&c); If(a int main() { float side1, side2, side3; // Input the sides of the triangle printf("Enter the first side of the triangle: "); scanf("%f", &side1); printf("Enter the second side of the triangle: "); scanf("%f", &side2); printf("Enter the third side of the triangle: "); scanf("%f", &side3); // Check if the sides form a valid triangle if ((side1 + side2 > side3) && (side2 + side3 > side1) && (side1 + side3 > side2)) { // Check for equilateral triangle if (side1 == side2 && side2 == side3) { printf("The triangle is Equilateral.\n"); } // Check for isosceles triangle else if (side1 == side2 || side2 == side3 || side1 == side3) { printf("The triangle is Isosceles.\n"); } // Otherwise, it is a scalene triangle else { printf("The triangle is Scalene.\n"); } } else { printf("The entered sides do not form a valid triangle.\n"); } return 0; }


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